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Empty Nest-ers Beware: Smart Thermostats are Here to Stay
In an era where energy efficiency is paramount, the role of smart thermostats is becoming increasingly significant. Over recent years, these devices have transitioned from niche gadgets to essential household items, driven by their potential to reduce energy consumption and adapt to user preferences. The user base increased from 13% to 17% among internet households from 2022 to 2023, breaking the stagnation that hovered around 11%-13% for many prior years. This increase is primarily attributed to the rising cost of energy, which has spotlighted the economic benefits of these devices. Smart thermostats provide energy savings and feature automated controls and communication tools that aid in efficient energy management. The expansion of the smart thermostat market in 2022-2023 is not just about numbers; it signifies a shift in consumer mentality. This change in adoption pattern reflects a growing public trust in smart thermostats.