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Poll: Consumers trust water utilities, scientists most for information about tap water
American Water Works Association
Americans’ ratings of their tap water quality have been declining in recent years, and Black and Hispanic Americans in particular have concerns about water quality and safety. Scientists and water utilities are the most trusted communicators about tap water issues. Around seven in ten Americans (72%) say that their tap water is at least “somewhat” safe. Nearly three-quarters of White Americans (74%) rate their tap water as safe, compared to 65% of Black Americans and 63% of Hispanic Americans. Three in five Americans (60%) say that the quality of their tap water is “excellent’ or “good,” compared to 70% in June 2022 and 65% in May 2023. White Americans (62%) are more likely to rate their tap water quality as “excellent” or “good” than Black Americans (56%) or Hispanic Americans (54%). More than three-quarters (77%) support continuing federal assistance to help pay water bills, a seven-point increase since last year (70% in May 2023).