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Poll: Seven in Ten Americans Believe Climate Change is a Serious Problem
Maryann Cousens. Navigator
Most voters say that weather in their community this summer has been different from past years, primarily because of hotter temperatures, More than in previous years, voters experiencing unusual summer weather attribute it to climate change. 73% of voters rate climate change as a serious problem for their children and future generations of their family, including 48% who rate it as “very serious”. 69% of voters rate climate change as a serious problem for Americans today, including 40% who rate it as “very serious”. 73% of voters who report unusual summer weather in their area this year say that climate change is to blame. While Democrats and independents widely agree that this summer’s weather has been unusual, most Republicans deny it. Both at the global level (41%) and in their own community (38%), less than half of Republicans say that this summer’s weather has been unusual. Meanwhile, clear majorities of Democrats and independents agree that this summer’s weather has been different from years past – both globally (70% of Democrats and 65% of independents) and in their own community (64% of Democrats and 62% of independents).