The Feminist Green New Deal Coalition released a report with Data for Progress that finds there is a strong shared belief that care should be central to climate, workforce, and infrastructure policies. In the midst of intersecting economic crises, climate crises, and the ongoing infrastructure fights, these findings reiterate that people want bold economic investments that center care for people and the planet.
Planning for a future that centers well-being for people and the planet requires an understanding of the intersectionality of the ongoing crises of care and climate, the ways in which policy can deliver intersectional solutions, and the narratives that help and hurt this cause. Join the Climate Advocacy Lab with Tamara Toles O'Laughlin (EGA), Kahea Pacheco (Women's Earth Alliance), Amanda Novello (Data for Progress), and Mara Dolan (WEDO) for a deep dive into the report's findings as well as relevant takeaways for climate advocates and their work.