Why Evidence-Based Advocacy

Work smarter, not just harder.


This is the caption.

We have less than a decade in which to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

Our work is far too important and too urgent to spend time and resources in pursuit of strategies or tactics that are not building more political power and winning more policy victories -- or worse, that backfire. And, as it turns out, we aren't always great at guessing what strategies or tactices are the most effective! The Lab’s “evidence-based” approach to advocacy supports climate advocates to clarify the assumptions informing why they use specific strategies or tactics in their campaigns, pulling from wealth of tools and resources. 

The result? Climate campaigns that draw on evidence to help inform key decisions at every step of the planning and implementation process, making them more effective, more efficient, and easier to scale.  


We train advocates to work with five main categories of evidence to help ensure our efforts are resulting in the desired impact:

Public opinion polling

Social science research

Data and analytics

Field experimentation

Case studies & campaign lessons learned

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