The Lab's Partnership Program


The Lab’s Partnerships Program seeks to support organizational partners in applying insights and learnings from the most instructive, winning campaigns by drawing from an expansive body of evidence, including: social science research, case studies, field experimentation, experiences and reflections from movement leaders, data and analytics, and public opinion polling.


  1. Support climate organizations who are committed to multiracial, cross-class organizing by working with leaders across ranks, roles and campaigns to implement evidence-based insights to further climate justice wins. 
  2. Facilitate opportunities for cross-movement and cross-organizational learning, discussion, and iteration on lessons learned about achieving climate justice solutions, particularly among the growing Lab community, by sharing back the key insights of organizational partnership work. 


If you’d like to discuss the Partnerships Program or other ways to partner with the Lab, you can email:


In 2023, NY Renews was able to launch new projects with greater strategic support and evidence-based research from the Climate Advocacy Lab.The support of Nicole and Climate Advocacy Lab was critical for the NY Renews Steering Committee 2023 Retreat. Nicole’s facilitation brought a mixture of disciplined preparation, and flexibility that set us up for success and led us to strategic outcomes and more alignment on our longer term legislative strategy.

Additionally, as we were designing our "Adopt a Legislator Program," Justin and Nicole offered overall consultation and best practices that we want to educate and support our members to implement. The Lab’s outside perspective and deep expertise supported us in honing our internal process and applying razor-sharp focus on our shared outcomes.  

- Xaver Kandler, Campaigns Director, NY Renews

There’s been so much that has changed the way we, as the Energy Democracy Project, organize as a result of working with the Climate Advocacy Lab! The biggest area of growth in 2023 centered on the ways in which we approach the development of messaging. We know we needed to refine our messaging if we wanted to build a broad base of support for energy democracy. We realized we needed to be able to talk about energy in ways that were tangible and accessible to people who aren't already within the energy democracy space. In collaboration with the Lab, we conducted focus group research and those insights directly informed the Messaging Guide that is a public tool for the public and our Project Collaborators to utilize.

- Selena Feliciano, National Campaign Coordinator, Energy Democracy Project



Asian Pacific Environmental Network(APEN) is an environmental justice organization with deep roots & history in California’s Asian immigrant and refugee communities in Richmond and Oakland. APEN has been leading a just transition away from an extractive economy based on profit and pollution and toward local, healthy, and life-sustaining economies that benefit everyone through an organized movement demanding fundamental changes to economic and social institutions.

Our work with APEN is focused on expanding this organizing work across multiple generations, dialects, and languages, in 2024 and supporting the launch of a Statewide Membership of young Asian Americans who are equipped to support the leadership of frontline communities and build greater power for climate & environmental justice across the state

Center for Popular Democracy Logo

The question of transforming the climate crisis is fundamentally a question of people power. Building this power means organizing at scale in the communities most impacted by the crisis. As the largest network of grassroots organizations in the U.S. the Center for Popular Democracy and their 48 affiliates play a vital role in building the power necessary to tackle the climate crisis.

Our work with the Center for Popular Democracy is grounded in testing scalable base building strategies and creating an understanding of what is effective in activating and retaining more Black, brown, and working class communities to engage deeply on climate.

Energy Democracy Project logo

Across the country, communities agree: people should be able to make their own decisions about the cost and reliability of electricity, instead of allowing corporations to profit off of something we need to survive and thrive. The Energy Democracy Project launched the Reimagined Energy for our Communities, U.S. (REFOCUS) campaign to unify diverse, local, and frontline organizations and put power back in the hands of the people.

Our work with the Energy Democracy Project is focused on building a public narrative on energy democracy that activates people across race and class and learning how to effectively leverage a network to support fractal movement-building, wherein network collaborators become the main messengers of a shared narrative.

NY Renews logo

The Climate Leadership and Protection Act (CLCPA) is among the nation’s most aggressive climate and environmental justice laws. Building on this historic win and years of campaigning experience, NY Renews is currently organizing around the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Package, a legislative roadmap to rapidly decarbonize New York.

Our work with NY Renews is rooted in maximizing the strategic capacity and power of the coalition to make the state healthier and more equitable, ensure a just transition for workers, and help create an accessible green economy for all.

USCAN logo

US Climate Action Network (USCAN) works to build trust and alignment among its network of 190+ organizations that are fighting climate change in a just and equitable way.

One of the key strategies in USCAN’s 2023-2025 strategic plan is a new initiative wherein members vote on 2 campaigns for the network to collectively support. Our work with USCAN is focused on supporting the staff and larger network as they pilot this new model, providing training for members as well as strategic support and coaching for campaign leads.