Americans have heard little about the Biden administration’s climate efforts, but the administration’s climate and environmental policies are popular when people learn about them. Seven in ten Americans (70%) support the U.S. “taking steps to try to slow or stop the rate of climate change,” including nine in ten Democrats (91%), two-thirds of independents (68%), and around half of Republicans (48%). 53% of Americans support policies that would encourage the production of more electric or hybrid vehicles and fewer gas-powered vehicles in the U.S. When asked when people should address the issue of climate change, just over half of Americans (52%) say that action should happen “right now.” Only half of Americans (50%) say that they have heard “some” or “a lot” about what the Biden administration has done so far to deal with climate change, including just 14% who say that they’ve heard “a lot” about it. There is also a general sense that climate change is contributing to extreme weather, as half of Americans (51%) believe that climate change is a “major” factor behind more severe extreme weather events in the U.S. these days and an additional 28% believe that climate change is a “minor” factor.