Public Resource
Leading Groups Online
Jeanne Rewa and Daniel Hunter

This is a basic introduction to effectively leading online meetings and events. This focuses on techniques you can use with any platform (Zoom, jitsi, Google Hangouts, conference calls, GoToMeetings, Blackboard Collaborate, etc) and tries to be tech neutral to reach the widest audience. Some suggestions include: take a good hard look at your curriculum or goals and expect to do much, much less; use this precious space to make connection—in the face of social distance, these may be some of the rare times people will be connected to their peers and friends; give yourself a break—you being uptight or mentally exhausted will do no good for those you are leading online. Some other pieces of advice include: there are plenty of things you can’t do online; people don’t do their best learning while under stress; and you have your own learning curve to teach on a new electronic platform.