
Search below for resources covering the intersection of climate engagement, social science and data analytics.


Soil to Sky: Climate Solutions That Work

Matthew Elliot, Michael Berger & Helia Bidad, California Environmental Associates on behalf of CLIMA Fund
Research & Articles

This report aggregates research on the use of grassroots solutions in addressing climate and connects the dots between seemingly “small” grassroots solutions, carbon mitigation, and building rights-based resilience for the long-term. It brings together the best available research  to affirm that funders who have traditionally invested in top-down strategies to the climate crisis can also make lasting, effective, and scalable investments in grassroots-driven responses. 

The share of Americans who say stricter environmental laws and regulations are “worth the cost” has increased in recent years (63% in 2019 vs. 59% in 2017) with a significant shift coming among Republicans (45% in 2019 vs 36% in 2017). 

Gender Differences in Public Understanding of Climate Change

M. Ballew, J. Marlon, A. Leiserowitz (Yale Program on Climate Change Communication), and E. Maibach (George Mason University)
Research & Articles

Women in the U.S. are less likely than men to know certain scientific facts about global warming and tend to be less certain of what they know, even though they have a sharper understanding of the risks and threats from global warming.

Poll: Arizona's Views on Climate Change

University of Arizona and Stanford University.
Research & Articles

A large majority of Arizona residents believe global temperatures are rising (74%) and that this rise is at least partly caused by human activity (78%.) 75% of people believe global warming will be a serious problem for Arizona, and will hurt future generations if nothing is done to reduce it in the future. More that 70% believe the U.S. and Arizona governments should take action on global warming and limit the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by businesses.