Public Resource
10 Tips for how the Climate Movement can Improve Experiences for Activists with Diverse Health Needs
Ans Vercammen, Charlie Wood, Eden Barrett, Jason Wu, Robyn Gulliver, Sophie Hartley. The Commons
There is a growing awareness of the urgent need to create activist spaces that are accessible, welcoming and provide material support for people with diverse health needs. But how can this actually be achieved? This resource summarizes the activists’ experiences, insights and recommendations that they shared in the interviews. Offer material support. Provide a diversity of actions for people to take part in. Normalize people coming in and out of movements as their needs and circumstances change. Have designated welcoming and support roles in groups to make sure every new member feels welcome. Provide plenty of opportunities for relationship building and connection. Set safe spaces for debriefs after actions: share what worked and what didn’t and have clear grievance and conflict resolution processes. Set clear expectations around the work and experiment with different ways of working. Don’t let urgency get in the way of building strong, safe, supportive teams for everyone. Support each other to spot the early warning signs of burnout. Be willing to cede power.