Public Resource
Just Transition Zine: From Banks and Tanks To Cooperation and Caring
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project

Constructing a visionary economy for life calls for strategies that democratize, decentralize and diversify economic activity while we damper down consumption and (re)distribute resources and power. This “zine” from Movement Generation describes the vision of a “regenerative economy” and how we might transition there, from our current “extractive economy.” Just Transition strategies were first forged by labor unions and environmental justice groups who saw the need to phase out the industries that were harming workers, community health and the planet, while also providing just pathways for workers into new livelihoods. This original concept of Just Transition was rooted in building alliances between workers in polluting industries and fence-line and frontline communities. Building on that history, Just Transition represents a set of aligned strategies to transition whole communities toward thriving economies that provide dignified, productive and ecologically sustainable livelihoods that are governed directly by workers and communities. This zine deeply describes some concepts such as “the meaning of home,” “pillars of the economy,” “pillars of the extractive economy,” “culture of control,” and “pillars of the regenerative economy.”