Public Resource
Transition Is Inevitable, Justice Is Not: A Critical Framework For Just Recovery
Movement Generation Justice & Ecology Project

Just Recovery is organizing in our communities today to build the right soil of resistance and resilience (literally and figuratively). Just Recovery also builds the right relationship with land and each other, so that we are not only ready to just withstand these oncoming shocks, but so that we are prepared to use them in those moments to fuel a revolutionary peoples’ movement. This resource describes how peoples everywhere are pursuing a Just Recovery by rooting their practice in core principles, including: creating root cause remedies, practicing revolutionary self-governance, asserting rights-based organizing, demanding reparations, and advancing ecological restoration for resilience. This resource highlights case studies of communities and groups engaging in these aspects of Just Recovery in Texas, California, Puerto Rico, New Orleans LA, the Gulf Coast, New York, New Jersey, the Philippines, and Florida.