
Search below for resources covering the intersection of climate engagement, social science and data analytics.


Small Screen, Big Impact: How Madam Secretary Boosted Support for Climate Policy and Climate Justice

Dr. Anirudh Tiwathia, Dr. Erik Thulin, Dr. Stylianos Syropoulos, Ellis Watamanuk. Rare
Research & Articles

The CBS political drama Madam Secretary increased support for governmental action on climate change and boosted several hard-to-move attitudes on climate justice. This research also found that many of the positive shifts in audience attitudes persisted even two weeks after viewing the episode – providing empirical evidence that viewing climate-forward content can provide stable shifts in climate attitudes in the short-to-mid term. Madam Secretary proves that good storytelling and meaningful issues can blend together to create compelling, thought-provoking drama with real-world impact for audiences at home. In the episode, a “super typhoon” threatens to destroy the coral island nation of Nauru. U.S. Secretary of State Elizabeth McCord and her team must figure out how to evacuate and permanently relocate the entire island’s population. For participants who watched the climate episode, the research found a substantial increase in general climate concern including (i) increased worry about climate change and (ii) increased certainty that climate change “poses a significant threat to society.”

Climate Emotions Wheel

Climate Mental Health Network
Research & Articles

Emotions wheels have long been a valuable tool for psychologists to help people better understand and interpret their feelings.

Taking Action and Self Care Worksheets

Climate Mental Health Network
Tips & How-Tos

The "Taking Action & Self Care Worksheets" by ClimateMentalHealth.Net provide tools to help individuals determine their climate action through a personalized Venn diagram.

"Proposition Amanecer" Online Premiere and Q&A

Jack Zhou, Climate Advocacy Lab; Miguel Escoto, Monica Chavarria, & Ralph Martinez, Amanecer People's Project
Tips & How-Tos

Join us for the online premiere of the short documentary version of “Proposition Amanecer,” along with a live Q&A with organizer and director Miguel Escoto, organizer and editor Monica Chavarria, and organizer and producer Ralph Martinez. This documentary tells the founding story of Amanecer People's Project through the lens of the 2023 "El Paso Climate Charter" campaign, a community written ballot measure that would have transformed El Paso's economic, health, and energy future.

Polling 201: Utilizing Public Opinion Research in Your Communications Campaigns

Justin Rolfe-Redding, Climate Advocacy Lab; Leah Zamesnik and David Gold, Environmental Polling Consortium
Tips & How-Tos

Do you have an understanding of the basics of public opinion research but want to gain more concrete guidance on using polling to aid in persuasive communication campaigns? Join the Climate Advocacy Lab and the Environmental Polling Consortium for this interactive webinar.

Building on our Polling 101 sessions, this webinar will:

Lynsy Smithson-Stanley and Jack Zhou join The Great Battlefield podcast to talk about their work on the Climate Advocacy Lab's latest report A Blueprint for Multiracial Cross-class Climate Movements.

Research & Articles

Join the Rural Climate Partnership for a presentation on how we can use a benefits-forward narrative strategy to connect with rural people. Together, we'll explore 5 narrative keys that allow communicators to reach across cultural differences and avoid culture war frames to connect on shared values.

Research & Articles

“Join the movement” is a compelling call-to-action (CTA) with people who are already persuaded and more likely to engage anyway. Those who join in response to this CTA tend to already be aligned with the organization’s position and demands, advocating for the social issue and/or participating in a similar movement or organization. “Join the movement” is ineffective with people who aren’t already receptive. Those not already in alignment with, knowledgeable about, or still in the formative stages of deciding where they stand on a social issue are less inclined to engage or see this CTA as motivational (regardless of how “Join the movement” is framed).

This workbook is meant to help you translate the analysis and recommendations we provide there into workable features of your organizing. Whether you’re currently involved in a multiracial, cross-class climate coalition, thinking about starting one, or evaluating a past coalition on reflection, we hope this workbook clarifies for you and your coalition partners the breadth of considerations and decisions you should be prepared for.